Tuesday, September 2, 2008


School starts tomorrow.

Enough said.


Brandon said...

Good luck. I am sure you will do a great job. But please don't be like Mrs. Sky and move the loudest student to Alaska or Hawaii...I.e. isolating a child from the class....i am still very tramatized! - Sparky

Ulbins said...

Crazy as it sounds, but I usually move the loudest ones to the front. They are the ones that need the most attention. Also, my classroom isn't large enough to have an Alaska or Hawaii. Basically, it's only big enough to fit in Washington, Oregon, and that long skinny part of Idaho. :0(

Anonymous said...

about time you let go of my apron strings. ha ha. what happened to your sewing skills(hemming pants are easy compared to covering furniture). Have a happy first day of school, will be thinking of you while we are at the ocean, in the sun, flying kites. Love you MOM

Ulbins said...

If you read my comments on Laura's blog, you'll see that my sewing machine is broken. Mom, maybe you should get me a new one! Then I'll sew some apron strings for me to break!

lauraslifetoday said...

So how was it?
I just took a new job that has summers off. Yeah for both of us!! Maybe we can ACTUALLY get together someday. OR at least call=). I know, I know, I suck! Hope all has gone well, and hey, by the time you read this it will probably be FRIDAY! Here's to countdowns to summer!!!