Apparantly my pinky decided to go to war with it, and my toe lost. Big time. It slice my toenail in half, and took off a good section of the toe as well. It hurt as bad as stubbing a toe, not any more, but that's because I kind of went into shock. As most of you know, I don't blood, cuts, etc... I called the nurseline for my insurance and they told me to go to a doctor to avoid infection.
I went to the urgent care, which surprisingly, only took about an hour and a half to get in to see the doctor. He took a look at it and said it was all toenail. I said it was skin/toe too. We serisouly had a back and forth, "No it isn't, yes it is" for about 2 minutes. Finally I just gave up arguing with him. He numbed it up with a series of 3 shots (was only supposed to be two). MAN. THEY HURT. One was right by the webbing of the toes. Ouch. Then he cut off my toenail. I couldn't feel it, but I could actually here the scissors cutting through my skin. YARF. At that point he admitted that I was right about skin. I told him I'm going to charge him for the visit.
I am supposed to keep my foot up for a day or two, with the bandage on. No pain medicine because we are trying to conceive. Apparantly the stuff they used to numb it is ok, as is the tetanus shot that I got. That's what they said at least, but if he doesn't know the difference between toenail and skin, I was going to trust him. Everything I've read online seems to say it's perfectly safe to keep trying. Here is a picture of my shoulder with the cool Daffy Duck bandaid on it.
hey there. glad to hear you have survived your ordeal with your toe. tetanus shots are never fun, and neither is having a toenail ripped off. when it happened to me, my parents had jjsut gotten a puppy. and he thought it would be fun to chomp down on the big white bandage. almost ripped his head off!! just so you know though, in case you are in a lot of pain tonight or tomorrow.....there is no evidence that prescription pain meds like vicodin, when taken in short term doses as prescribed, causes miscarriages, or blocks conception. It is also not harmful to fetuses in prescribed doses. in fact, i have a woman patient now who is 32, 12 weeks pregnant, and slipped off a stair. when you are pregnant, your ligaments get loose. she ended up separating her pubic symphysis-the joint at the front of the pelvis. extremely painful. she is on vicodin, 500mg 4-5x/day. some research studies report that pain untreated produces more harmful toxins in the body than a prescription pain med would. lots of research out there now. so the bottom line is-no need to suffer. you will be very sore tonight! good luck! :)
hope you got the prescription for the pain pills just in case. Feel so sorry for you, Dad and I can relate to the experience. Just love your candle. Love you Mom
Holy crap girl! What a way to spend a relaxing Sunday at home. OUCH!!! I completely sympathize. On the bright DID happen at the end of summer, so your toe will look totally normal by sandle season next year! Stay away from those doors...
You only cried once? Brave girl!!! I can't stand needles and would have been in tears at just the thought of 4 shots! Sure hope your nail grows back OK. Sort of makes it hard to have a pedicure for awhile.
See you tomorrow!
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