Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Seussssan. That's what I heard yesterday. It was my birthday (32 if you are counting) as well as the late, great Dr. Seuss' birthday. I'm happy he shares his birthday with me. My co-workers dubbed it "Seuss-an's Day."

Dr. Seuss wrote a lot of catchy children's books, however, he wrote quite a few progressive books based on adult issues; They still rhyme, have colorful picture and made up words, but they talk about deep issues. Conflicts, resource/earth mangement, hatred, etc... Interesting stuff. My students love our Dr. Seuss study. I highly recommend the Sneetches and the Butter Battle Book.

I received a lot of flowers this year (which I LOVE!). My wonderful sister came through with some of my favorite flowers, tulips. She is solid. I don't like to expect a lot for my day, but I admit, I rely on her to celebrate Halloween and birthdays with. Not that I need a gift from her, but I know she gets excited like I get.
From 2010-03-03

Dan got me an orchid, my teaching team got me a gorgeous bouquet (amongst other gifts) but one of my favorite things was a potted daffodil from a sweet student of mine.
From 2010-03-03

I'm gluten free! No more wheat, barley, rye, etc... I feel a million times better. I'll talk more about it later. For now, know that I still enjoyed a gluten free cheesecake I made. Almond, butter crust. Yum! Dan loved it too!

Thanks to all of you who got me this far!


Charlene said...

cheesecake looks yummy

lauraslifetoday said...

Happy, happy late birthday!!! I've been wondering about you and hoping you were ok. I'm so glad you've gone gluten free and found good results! I'm meat free and moving towards totally organic and High Fructose Corn syrup free. It's gross the things we put in our bodies!!, so good to read your post. Love you!!