Sunday, July 13, 2008

Safeway Marathon Madness

I fancy myself as a frugal shopper. Sure, Dan and I fly over to the East Coast more than the budget allows and we drive all over to watch Pearl Jam. In order to do this, however, we have to save money here and there. During my summer vacation, I try to stockpile up on products we can use (during the school year I don't seem to have time to shop around). I think this is my best savings yet (91%). Here is a picture of the loot:

I spent.......... $5.80! That's it. I got over $56 worth of groceries for only $5.80. And the best part? I got a coupon good for $10 off my next shopping trip. Good on anything! Sure we got a few free things we would not normally buy or use, but we can donate them to the local shelter. $5.80 is more than we usually pay for the two ketchups alone! Here is what we got:
2 jars of salsa
1 jar of cheddar salsa dip
1 box chocolate special K (Dan wants to try it)
2 boxes of yogo bits (little yogurt covered balls... got them for 16 cents each)
4 boxes of pop tarts (going to the shelter... got them for free)
2 bottles of heinz ketchup
2 boxes of green giant broccoli with cheese sauce
1 package of kraft singles
1 package of wacky mac noodle
1 box of barilla pasta plus
2 containers of betty crocker frosting (made carrot cake cupcakes with lemon cream cheese frosting)
1 box of electrisol dishwasher tablets

Go team!

1 comment:

lauraslifetoday said...

Umm...can you come shop for me too? HOW in the world?? BTW, I'm so happy we can keep in touch in the blog world. We need to get together, before Bella is 18!